Kapaa High School PTSA | Kapaa High School 4695 Mailihuna Rd. Kapaa, HI 96746 | kapaahighptsa@gmail.com


  • Membership
  • Fundraising
  • Project Grad
About Membership
Membership is the heart and soul of the Warrior PTSA. Without active members, well, nothing would happen. For instance, there would be no back to school BBQ or ProjectGrad- both of which require insurance. Your annual membership fee basically gets passed up to the HSPTSA- and when they get our dues, we get insurance. It's a very good, and necessary thing. Membership is open to anyone. Thank you for becoming a member.

About Fundraising. 
A major portion of the monthly efforts of the PTSA officers concerns the proper oversight and management of the unit including funds- funds that all kinds of groups come to ask for all year long. The primary method of fundraising is eScrip subscriptions. If you know and love a Warrior club member such as Robotics, any and all KIF athletic club, HOSA, then you have, very likely, seen our fundraising in action. If you are a Kpaa High Teacher, Staff of administrator, you definitely have seen those efforts turned into benefits. Please see the About Us page for details on all the events we sponsor, and see the eScrip page for more on eScrip.

About Project Grad
Before we know it, the opening music at commencement for the next crop of seniors will be echoing over Kapaa town. The commencement ceremony is a school event organized by Kapaa High Administration, but Project Grad, THE Commencement After-Party, is the work of the Kapaa High PTSA Project Grad Commitee. It's made possible through the Hawaii State PTSA, the Kapaa High PTSA, it's members, volunteers and eScrip subscribers.

ProjectGrad is an alcohol-free, drug-free, chaperoned graduation celebration for all eligible seniors. The emphasis is on providing an affordable, safe, fun and memorable graduation party.

Project Grad production costs vary and have ranged anywhere from $10,000 to as much as $30,000-depending on the economy and sponsorships. ProjectGrad is funded through annual fundraising activities of the committee and is staffed entirely by PTSA member volunteers. It enjoys financial support from local businesses and organizations, such as the state sponsored Kauai Marathon.

Here at Kapaa High, the committee is, historically, parents of Senior students, and the actual production and theme- the brainchild and labor of love of those same parents. Parents of underclassmen are encouraged to step up to assist and attend the meetings to learn the ropes which helps greatly when your turn to be a senior parent comes.

It is a wonderful experience and the PTSA actively welcomes new participants. It is only a one year commitment. Cmmittee chairs determined annually. Please contact the PTSA vice-president for more information and details.